R&D Project / Mister

Match Information System and Technologies for the Evaluation of the peRformance



Match Information System and Technologies for the Evaluation of the peRformance

Status: Completed

Period of reference: 1 October 2018 – 30 September 2020

Funder: POR FESR Sardegna 2014-2020
Asse I – “Ricerca Scientifica, Sviluppo Tecnologico e Innovazione”
Azione 1.1.3 Obiettivo principale “Innovazione delle imprese”

Footure Lab Role: Project coordinator and participant

Reference Personnel: Daniele Bianchi, Daniele Riboni

Contact: info@footurelab.com

MISTER was a Sardinian Regional project (POR FESR Sardegna 2014-2020 programme) led by Footure Lab and involving the University of Cagliari. The project aimed to innovate and automate the mechanisms of Match Analysis in football. Usually, data production in this field of application is based on manual tag acquisition, through the use of software that supports these operations. The detection takes place directly from video, acquired through special online platforms or from filming data.

The basic idea of the project was to improve video analysis and integrate it with information derived from other sources such as wearable devices or expert information. It aimed to improve productivity by accelerating activities of manual tagging without affecting the quality, exploiting:

  • Multi-source acquisition systems to increase the amount of available information;
  • Integration of voice/touch interfaces to speed up data tagging;
  • Machine learning algorithms are applied in post-processing to improve the quality of data obtained from semi-automated techniques.

Footure Lab deals with the creation of a suite of software applications (Footure Desk primarily) with the aim of optimizing the work of the technical area of ​​the club, from the technical staff and the medical area, up to the scouting area.

loghi progetti

Abinsula at a glance

Abinsula is one of the main Italian players in embedded, web and mobile solutions. It stands out for its ability to create custom software and hardware based on customer needs, for outstanding data management systems connected to an excellent use of telemetry, a technology used in several sectors, from automotive to energy, for data transmission and monitoring.

Custom HW & SW Solution


Data Management


Telemetry Monitoring

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